Platinum Collection is a specialized Company for the promotion of contemporary art. It was established in 2007 from the experience of its owners, already active since the 90s with other publishing brands and cultural associations.
Today, as a reference in our sector, we can offer emerging as well as established artists the chance to be noticed and remembered in the vast panorama of contemporary art with the possibility of taking advantage of various exhibition spaces in the most prestigious European cities, as well as of valid logistic supports and of top-level paper and digital publishing supports.
We count on dozens of art galleries and exhibition spaces throughout all Europe we have been collaborating with over the years, proving their seriousness and competence.
We are also able to create wonderful paper monographs of various sizes with the contribution of the most authoritative and established art critics. We use an ISBN code for tracking the book in the appropriate concerned vcircuits.
After an analysis, we are able to offer artists the way to move towards notoriety in the market, both at a national and international level. It is essential for us to know our artists personally, and we do so mostly in their studio, in the place they chose to create in. This is the way we can really be sure we understood their needs and offer them the most appropriate solutions.
A historical core of Platinum Collection activity is without any doubts the paper publishing. For many years we have been producing presentation monographs for individual artists as well as for… read more
Platinum Collection is a company specialized in the promotion of contemporary art.
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